Romantic and gender-neutral design PALOMO SPAIN
Palomo Spain has recently made a splash with its collaboration with PUMA.
The brand is characterized by romantic designs that are not bound by gender.
Here we introduce the appeal of Palomo Spain and more.
PALOMO SPAIN is a fashion brand launched by Alejandro Gómez Palomo.
It proposes a new type of menswear design.
The greatest feature of the brand is its designs that transcend gender boundaries.
You can see a transcendence of gender that is different from unisex or boyish.
The brand is introducing a series of fashion styles that have never before been available for men to wear.
Many of the items are bold, and the style is characterized by understated yet sexy designs.
Source : https://fin.miraiteiban.jp/
The designer is Alejandro Gómez Palomo.
He was born and raised in a small town called La Posada in Córdoba, Spain. At the age of 17, he moved to London and
began studying menswear at the London College of Fashion.
After graduating, he returned to Spain and started a small studio, which is still based in Córdoba.
He was a finalist in the LVMH Prize in 2017.
PALOMO SPAIN’s most popular items
The collaboration with PUMA was a hot topic.
Source : https://www.trefac.jp/store/3072000354954411/c2054696/
Collaboration boots sold out immediately.
Source : https://girl.houyhnhnm.jp/butsuyoku/42542
Tracksuits are a popular item
Source : https://www.buyma.com/item/87632049/
Recommended stores where you can buy PALOMO SPAIN
WEB Store Name | ZOZOTOWN |
URL | https://zozo.jp/shop/puma/goods-sale/71850341/ |
How was it?
Here we introduced Palomo Spain.
Palomo Spain is a gender-neutral development that is not influenced by trends.
Please take a look at their delicate couture.