Sat. Mar 29th, 2025
rito structure

Offering clothes that can be constantly updated. rito structure

rito structure designs clothes based on product keywords from new perspectives such as “folding, connecting, and
The brand has gained support for its careful craftsmanship that is not influenced by trends.
Here, we introduce the appeal of rito structure.

What is rito structure?

rito Structure is a Japanese fashion brand.
The brand pursues new and original forms based on the highest quality materials.
The brand proposes styles for highly sensitive women that incorporate the essence of mode into a luxurious atmosphere
reflected from their inner selves.
The collections are presented with a balance between couture-like craftsmanship and mode, valuing the current mood and
the sense of value conveyed when the clothes are worn.

rito structure
Source :

History of rito structure

Miyako Shimakawa is the designer of Lito Structure.
After joining Styrem Corporation, the oldest textile company in Japan, she planned textiles for textile design for
overseas high brands.
She launched her own brand “Rito” in 2016 A/W.
From 2021 SS, he changed the name to rito structure and has been presenting garments as product design based on the
concept of “building senses together”.


How was it?
Here we have introduced rito structure.
rito structure is also focusing on the development of materials that aim to create a hybrid of lasting value and
We are very much looking forward to the future development of this brand.

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